Perhaps the most widely used tool for Locomotion, LocoTool is the building blocks of Locomotion modification. It
has an easy-to-use process to turn the .dat files in your
Locomotion ObjData folder into an XML file with all of its specs and PNG files that contain all of the "sprites" that make up the graphics for every
object in the game.
How to use it:
1. Download LocoTool and extract the files in the pack.
3. LocoTool will create an XML file and a folder with the object's sprites.
4. Change any sprites or variables in the XML file that you want. See
this list for a list of what each variable does.
5. Drag the updated XML file back onto LocoTool, and it will create a .bak file of the object before modification,
and a new .dat file that you can now copy and paste back to your
ObjData folder.
Note: LocoTool was developed by, and is the complete property of, Josef Drexler. Used with permission.