LocoTool Frontend II is a very useful tool that allows you to easily many aspects of a vehicle or cargo type.
It uses LocoTool, but adds a user-friendly interface. It runs as a separate program, with a list of all vehicles in
ObjData folder on the left side and their information in the left pane.
How to use it:
1. Extract LocoTool Frontend II to a place that is convenient for you.
2. Double-click the .exe file to run it.
3. The program will check your object files (this may take a while).
4. Click on any vehicle from the list on the left and change any information you wish.
**Note** You must export to a .dat or save to a .xml before selecting another vehicle to save your changes.
LocoTool Frontend II was developed by, and is the complete property of, Mathias. Used with